What is mental performance training?

Mental training is essentially training the mind for optimal performance. Instead of lifting weights, stretching, or conditioning, we utilize different tools and strategies to enhance your mental skills. Training topics include building confidence, strengthening focus, overcoming mistakes, setting goals, and alleviating performance anxiety.

Will my insurance cover my individual training sessions?

At this time, THRIVE LLC mental training sessions are not covered by insurance. To talk further about cost and payment, please contact us.

How often will I meet with a mental training consultant?

The frequency of your training sessions is entirely up to you. For individual sessions, you might choose to start off seeing a consultant on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. You will talk with your consultant to figure out a schedule for your work together. Team/group sessions are typically on a bi-weekly or monthly basis depending on the group’s goals.

Is mental training just for elite athletes?

No, mental training can be helpful for many endeavors. THRIVE will meet you wherever you are on your journey and will work with you to better your performance.

Do sessions look different because of the impact of COVID-19?

We are currently offering virtual sessions in addition to socially-distanced, COVID-safe mental training sessions for individuals and teams. If you would prefer an in-person session, we will be taking appropriate health and safety measures including COVID questionnaires, social distancing, and wearing masks.

Will my individual sessions be discussed with anyone?

No, your individual training sessions and consultations will be kept completely confidential. You will sign a form at your first session that protects your information under HIPAA. However, you may also disclose that you would like some information shared with a third party. Clients under the age of 18 must sign up for mental training sessions with a legal parent/guardian.